Baza znanja

Moj račun

  1. I’m sorry, it seems like you accidentally cut off the text that needs to be translated Could you please provide me with the full text so that I can properly translate it for you into Croatian. Kako kreirati besplatan račun na OpticalBackup-u?
  2. I’m sorry, but you haven’t provided the text that needs to be translated Could you please provide the text so that I can translate it for you. Kako promijeniti svoju lozinku?
  3. I’m sorry, but you have not provided a text for me to translate Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English into Croatian. Kako mogu zaraditi više prostora besplatno?
  4. I’m sorry, but it seems like you only input the number “4” without any surrounding context or text to translate Could you please provide the full text that you would like me to translate into Croatian. Kako mogu povratiti svoju lozinku?

Članovi tima

  1. I’m sorry, it seems like you accidentally cut off the text that needs to be translated Could you please provide me with the full text so that I can properly translate it for you into Croatian. Kako dodati članove tima?
  2. I’m sorry, but you haven’t provided the text that needs to be translated Could you please provide the text so that I can translate it for you. Kako suspendirati člana tima?
  3. I’m sorry, but you have not provided a text for me to translate Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English into Croatian. Kako suspendirati člana tima?

Sigurnosne kopije

  1. I’m sorry, it seems like you accidentally cut off the text that needs to be translated Could you please provide me with the full text so that I can properly translate it for you into Croatian. Kako stvoriti spremnik datoteka?
  2. I’m sorry, but you haven’t provided the text that needs to be translated Could you please provide the text so that I can translate it for you. Kako pretražiti određenu datoteku?
  3. I’m sorry, but you have not provided a text for me to translate Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English into Croatian. Kako da povratim datoteke?
  4. I’m sorry, but it seems like you only input the number “4” without any surrounding context or text to translate Could you please provide the full text that you would like me to translate into Croatian. Kako napraviti automatizirane sigurnosne kopije?

Stolna aplikacija

  1. I’m sorry, it seems like you accidentally cut off the text that needs to be translated Could you please provide me with the full text so that I can properly translate it for you into Croatian. Kako instalirati desktop aplikaciju?
  2. I’m sorry, but you haven’t provided the text that needs to be translated Could you please provide the text so that I can translate it for you. Kako postaviti redovitu sigurnosnu kopiju pomoću aplikacije na radnoj površini?
  3. I’m sorry, but you have not provided a text for me to translate Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English into Croatian. Kako pretraživati i povratiti datoteke?
  4. I’m sorry, but it seems like you only input the number “4” without any surrounding context or text to translate Could you please provide the full text that you would like me to translate into Croatian. Kako urediti ili izbrisati zakazanu sigurnosnu kopiju?
  5. I’m sorry, but the text “5” does not have a meaning in English that can be translated into Croatian If you provide a complete sentence or context, I would be happy to assist you with the translation. Kako pokrenuti aplikaciju kada se računalo pokreće?
  6. I’m sorry, but it seems like you have only provided a number “6” Could you please provide the text that you’d like me to translate into Croatian. Kako ručno pokrenuti posao sigurnosne kopije?
  7. The translation of “7” from English to Croatian is “sedam”. Kako povezati svoju aplikaciju s mojim računom?
  8. I’m sorry, it seems like there is a mistake in your request Could you please provide the text you want me to translate from English into Croatian. Kako isključiti računalo kada završi sigurnosno kopiranje?
  9. I’m sorry, but the text “9” does not require translation as it is a numeral that is the same in both English and Croatian If you provide me with more context or additional text, I would be happy to help you with the translation. Kako omogućiti enkripciju prijenosa podataka TLS + AES?
  10. I’m sorry, but “I’m sorry, it seems like you accidentally cut off the text that needs to be translated Could you please provide me with the full text so that I can properly translate it for you into Croatian0” is not a complete sentence or text that can be translated Please provide a full sentence or text for translation. Kako odspajanje aplikaciju sa svog računa?

Pretplatnički planovi

  1. I’m sorry, it seems like you accidentally cut off the text that needs to be translated Could you please provide me with the full text so that I can properly translate it for you into Croatian. Kako zatražiti prilagođeni plan?
  2. I’m sorry, but you haven’t provided the text that needs to be translated Could you please provide the text so that I can translate it for you. Kako promijeniti svoj plan pretplate?
  3. I’m sorry, but you have not provided a text for me to translate Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English into Croatian. Kako otkazati svoj račun?


  1. I’m sorry, it seems like you accidentally cut off the text that needs to be translated Could you please provide me with the full text so that I can properly translate it for you into Croatian. Kako odabrati dobru lozinku?
  2. I’m sorry, but you haven’t provided the text that needs to be translated Could you please provide the text so that I can translate it for you. Kako aktivirati Više faktorsku autentikaciju?
  3. I’m sorry, but you have not provided a text for me to translate Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English into Croatian. Kako zatvoriti prijavljene sesije?
  4. I’m sorry, but it seems like you only input the number “4” without any surrounding context or text to translate Could you please provide the full text that you would like me to translate into Croatian. Kako pratiti dnevnik logiranja sesija za prijavu?
  5. I’m sorry, but the text “5” does not have a meaning in English that can be translated into Croatian If you provide a complete sentence or context, I would be happy to assist you with the translation. Kako pratiti aktivnosti korisnika?

API za programere

  1. I’m sorry, it seems like you accidentally cut off the text that needs to be translated Could you please provide me with the full text so that I can properly translate it for you into Croatian. Kako kreirati API ključ?
  2. I’m sorry, but you haven’t provided the text that needs to be translated Could you please provide the text so that I can translate it for you. Kako zatražiti prilagođenu API značajku?
  3. I’m sorry, but you have not provided a text for me to translate Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English into Croatian. Gdje mogu pronaći potpunu dokumentaciju API-ja?

Skripte za API

  1. I’m sorry, it seems like you accidentally cut off the text that needs to be translated Could you please provide me with the full text so that I can properly translate it for you into Croatian. Preuzmi Postman radne prostore
  2. I’m sorry, but you haven’t provided the text that needs to be translated Could you please provide the text so that I can translate it for you. OpticalBackup-ovi Bash i Python skriptovi


  1. I’m sorry, it seems like you accidentally cut off the text that needs to be translated Could you please provide me with the full text so that I can properly translate it for you into Croatian. Kako mogu ponovno prodati uslugu OpticalBackup?
  2. I’m sorry, but you haven’t provided the text that needs to be translated Could you please provide the text so that I can translate it for you. Kako mogu postati partner OpticalBackup-a?


  1. I’m sorry, it seems like you accidentally cut off the text that needs to be translated Could you please provide me with the full text so that I can properly translate it for you into Croatian. Kako primiti optičke diskove s mojim podacima?
  2. I’m sorry, but you haven’t provided the text that needs to be translated Could you please provide the text so that I can translate it for you. Kako dekriptirati podatke na otpremljenim diskovima?
  3. I’m sorry, but you have not provided a text for me to translate Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English into Croatian. Kako urediti svoju adresu dostave?
  4. I’m sorry, but it seems like you only input the number “4” without any surrounding context or text to translate Could you please provide the full text that you would like me to translate into Croatian. Gdje su moji poslani diskovi?


  1. I’m sorry, it seems like you accidentally cut off the text that needs to be translated Could you please provide me with the full text so that I can properly translate it for you into Croatian. Kako urediti moju metodu plaćanja?
  2. I’m sorry, but you haven’t provided the text that needs to be translated Could you please provide the text so that I can translate it for you. Kako urediti informacije o mojoj tvrtki?
  3. I’m sorry, but you have not provided a text for me to translate Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English into Croatian. Kako pregledati moje račune?


  1. I’m sorry, it seems like you accidentally cut off the text that needs to be translated Could you please provide me with the full text so that I can properly translate it for you into Croatian. Uvjeti i odredbe
  2. I’m sorry, but you haven’t provided the text that needs to be translated Could you please provide the text so that I can translate it for you. Politika privatnosti