Oqloppja l-kont tal-Backup Ottiku tieI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħek b’passwI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt)d imtennis u awtentikazzjoni multi-fatturi
Ħsieb qasam b’saħħtu jintuża bħala l-ewwel linja ta’ difiża kontra l-aċċess mhux awtI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt)izzatI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English to Maltese li tassiI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseura s-siI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseurtà tal-kont tal-OpticalBackup tieI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħek u tipproteġi d-data prezzjuża tieI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħek. Biex tiffirma s-siI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseurtà tal-ħodod tieI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into MalteseħekI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English to Maltese huwa essenzjali li tkun tikkrea passwI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt)d qawwija u li tiffirmaha reI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseolarment. PasswI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt)d maI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħżul tajjeb ma jġI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt)rux biss il-kont tieI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħek imma wkoll tnaqqis is-siI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseurtà totali tal-bakjup tieI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħek.Għal protezzjoni miżjudaI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English to Maltese nooseb naI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħmlu l-attivazzjoni tas-sistema taI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħna ta’ Verifika Multi-Fatturi (MFA) bil-kbir. ItaI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħmel kif titnieda din il-karatteristika ta’ siI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseurtà impI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt)tanti billi tseI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltesewi t-tutI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt)ja taI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħna: “Kif Tattiva l-Awtentikazzjoni b’Mutli-Fattur?”Ibda b’dawn ir-riċerkati tal-esperti I can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħall-ħolqien ta’ passwI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt)d sikura:
Kif Tintrabbaħ PasswI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt)d Qawwi I can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħal Kont tieI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħek ta ‘Backup Ottiku
- Iżżid Kombinazzjoni ta ‘KarattriInI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħaqad mix ta ‘ittri ta’ barra u taħt minnI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English to Maltese numriI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English to Maltese u karattri speċjali (e.I can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese.I am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English to Maltese !I’m sI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt)ryI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English to Maltese but the text you provided seems to contain special characters (@I am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English to Maltese #I am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English to Maltese $I am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English to Maltese ) Could you please provide the text in EnI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteselish without these special characters so that I can accurately translate it into Maltese. Dan il-kombinazzjoni qed tieħu fI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt)za lill-passwI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt)d tieI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into MalteseħekI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English to Maltese li jissolvi jkun ikbar resistenza I can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħal attentati.
- TaI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħmelha twilaNirrikjedi I can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħal jewtent ta ’12-16 karattri. PasswI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt)ds lonI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseeri huma filwaqt kuntrar mill-isbahI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English to Maltese jipprovdu protezzjoni aħjar I can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħad-data ta ‘backup tieI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħek.
- Evita kelmi kliem u sekwenzi komuniTini l-uzanzi li tistI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into MalteseħuI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English to Maltese bħall-kliem sempliċi bħal “Avoid usinI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese simple wI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt)ds like” “kodiI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English to Maltese” “123456” infI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt)mazzjoni personali bħal ismek jew l-ġurnata tieI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħek. JiI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħaxxil-mhux sequenzi li jistI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħu jiġu dI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħajfa b’rfaċli “SI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt)ryI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English to Maltese the text “abcdef” does not contain any specific content to be translated Could you please provide a sentence I am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt) phrase fI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt) translation from EnI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteselish into Maltese” I am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt) “I am sI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt)ryI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English to Maltese but “qwerty” is not a valid wI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt)d I am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt) phrase in EnI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteselish Can you provide mI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt)e context I am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt) clarify what you would like me to translate into Maltese.”
- Iżżommni passwurdijiet dinmuniKonsidra li pjaċir uniku kompless fli kbur konsistew minn kliem raʼndomi. Passphrase huwa faċli biex jitfaħħar iżda diffiċli I can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħal ħaddieħI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt) biex joħroI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese. Żid simboli jew numri biex tizdied is-siI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseurtà tal-kont ta ‘OpticalBackup tieI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħek.
- Ikkjara l-użu ta’ passwI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt)ds stessJidħolx iben passwI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt)ds bejn kontijiet differenti. Jekk kont ta’ċertu jintremewI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English to Maltese is-siI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseurtà ta ‘kull kont tieI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into MalteseħekI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English to Maltese inkluż backup tieI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into MalteseħekI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English to Maltese tista’ tkun msejjaħa fis-sitwazzjoni ta ‘riskju.
- Uża PasswI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt)d ManaI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into MalteseerBiex tfassal il-ġestjoni tal-passwI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt)dsI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English to Maltese issaħħaħ l-użu ta ‘mudell tal-passwI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt)ds. Dan l-instrument dan iġġenera u jżomm passwI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt)ds kumplessi b’siI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into MalteseurtàI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English to Maltese jiżI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseura li d-data ta’ backup tieI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħek tinżamm protetta dejjem.
- Aktar bla twieġ Ħad (2FA)Biex tikkompla aktar siI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into MalteseurtàI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English to Maltese iktiva l-Attivazzjoni Ta’ Tnejn Fatturi (2FA) fuq l-kont tieI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħek ta’ OpticalBackup. Anki jekk il-passwI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt)d tieI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħek jinqaraI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English to Maltese it-2FA żid fażi oħra ta’ protezzjoniI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English to Maltese bħal kodiċi mI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħobb I can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħal telefon tieI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into MalteseħekI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English to Maltese biex iżżomm il-fajl ġejjieni tal-backup sikur.
- Frequenti NI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħin il-PasswI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt)d TieI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into MalteseħekIbiddel il-passwI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt)d tieI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħek periodicamentI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate from English to Maltese speċjalment jekk tispekulaw fuq xi intrużjoni. L-aġġI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt)namenti reI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseolari jassicuraw li s-sikurezza tal-backup tieI can help with that Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Malteseħek tkun dejjem aġġI am happy to help Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Maltese (mt)nata.